Omniscient: Law and Order

In Omniscient, the entire story revolves around the law, criminal activity, and legality of the surveillance. As stated in previous posts the city in which Nina and other live is not the standard of a nation, but instead for a single city. Outside this city law functions, much like it currently does with police and detectives preventing and solving crime. The city with its drones nullifies their use entirely. The entire legal system for the city is the drone, crimes cannot be reported without your drone going off, and this fits well with the whole point of the show, why did Nina's fathers' drone not signal when he was murdered? Legally he is dead, but his drone did not go off and this causes the entire catalyst on why Nina wants to find out why, is there a deep state, a sinister plan, etc. But no matter how that plays out the fact is for the city Nina lives in, the legal issue of drones is null, as it is the system that their law runs on. How can you call into...